I am going to be very busy cross stitching for a while. I recently bought some new X stitch kits. Two of them are stamped X stitch and the third one is counted. Above are pictures of the kits and what the finished products will look like.
I know I have not posted in a while. I have just been busy studying and doing homework and I had a test tonight that I made an A in. I have a 94 average in that class. It is a Health class that teachers have to take to be certified. I love this class. It is just a lot of work. I also went to a stitcher's night last Friday night and stitched on an Air Force Insignia I am making for dear hubby. He was in the Air Force. I also crochet and I am working on an afghan for hubby as well. It has yellow, green, red, and blue yarn on it and it is a granny afghan. I love to crochet. I also needlepoint and I plan on starting needlepoint. I have tons of kits. I will post pics soon. You all have to excuse me as I am new to this site.
I just started this blog today. Let me first say that I am a middle aged woman who is just trying to make it in this world. I have many varied interests that include reading, crafts, and all forms of needlework. I also love to write and watch good movies. I live in the Midwest and I love it here. I also belong to a yahoo stitching group.
Right now I would like to read My Life by Bill Clinton and I want to read Time Traveler's wife. I am an ardent reader.
Anything else you want to know about me, just ask.