Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Music Boxes...

I am very much into collectibles and I love music great thing to give to your friends on holidays, weddings, anniversaries, graduations, birthdays is Music Boxes Gifts . There is a lovely website where one can order those and that website is called Collectibles today and they have a limited edition and wide selections of tops brands around the world...

Their selections include Disney Princess, Thomas Kinkade and Beary Sweet. They also carry Bradford Exchange collector plates, Ashton Drake collectible dolls, and Ardleigh Elliot music boxes....

Here are just some examples of how they look

Music boxes are awesome and very beautiful and they have been around for many great thing about music boxes is that they can be treasured and kept for many many years and handed down from one generation to the next. They are also delectable works of art.

I have five music boxes plays Moon River and then I have a Santa music box which by the way this online website also includes the Christmas theme music box as well and the Santa music box I have plays Deck The Halls. I also have a teddy bear music box that plays Take Me Out To The Ballgame...I think they are all so precious and that is one thing I always say about music boxes is not only how beautiful they are but how precious they are and I can sit all day and listen to them...they make very wonderful gifts not only just for collectors but for everyone.

This online music box shop has very easy navigation and several themes and brands are available.

Cornelia Funke...

When I camped out for the last Harry Potter book, I ended up buying more books so for me, the most dangerous place is the bookstore since it makes me go broke....that night one of the other books I bought was Inspell by Cornelia Funke....

Today, I went to the library and got her book Dragon Rider since I have always wanted to read that and I got another one by her called Inkheart which is a sequel to now I have to read that and these others...I will be busy and then my school work too not to mention trying still to get my free iPod.....

A Wine Events...

There are very few things as elegant as a wines event and they are held all over the United States and the world as can find the international wine and food events calendar at this website called Local Wine

Everyone is invited to this events and many retailers, restaurant owners, and wholesalers are also there as well. At least 75,000 events have been posted there so the wine conneissures will be very busy and if you are one too, you will have a very wide choice. At the website there is a ticketing system that allows one to post events and sell tickets to their own events and you can also link back to your own of the best features about this service is you don't have to pay a fee for it....

You can have a look at the Wine and Food events calendar, worldwide by city . This is mentioned in every major US newspaper.

Free iPods is possible....

We keep hearing on the internet how one can get a free iPod however the catch is you have to complete and get credit for offers...I have joined a couple of sites....I joined one where they have free sweepstakes everyday and I just joined one last week where you do only one offer but the real catch is getting ten I signed up for a credit card and I have to wait for a credit from that which can take 30 days.....

I now have five credited referrals and it has only been a week so I am doing well....I have to have this done by November 23 so I just keep my fingers crossed that five more people can come forward....

If any of you want a free iPod, here is where you can get it.....

I can't wait to get my iPod.....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Now this is the worst...

I was watching Dateline last night and they uncovered a scam in which many innocent couples who are unable to have their own babies and didn't make it through adoption agencies went on the Internet only to meet a "dream mother" who was willing to give up her baby for adoption....this really led to some very sticky things only it turned out to be a huge racket...will do this story in parts....

I want to remind everyone with trucks and SUVs that you can now get your parts and accessories online at truck toolbox and that includs Single Lid Crossovers, Double Lid Crossovers and Gull Wing Crossovers....also there is free shipping on all orders over hundred dollars....simply look for your product and give them your make and year of you auto and they do a perfect match....

On another note, can you imagine a flower whose plant reaches maturity at five feet...well there is one called the amorphophallus titanum that was first discoved in Sumatra in 1878....there have only been a handful of bloomings during the decades in the United States...this is one of the world's largest flowers....there is one in full bloom at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens...they will hand pollinate it and produce and distribute seeds...

Monday, August 28, 2006

Pay Per Post and Bill Clinton.....

Ok, there were rumors early this summer that George Bush was going in the Big Brother how would we feel if Bill Clinton went in the Big Brother house...well that is just what may happen Payperpost wants to know what is going on in the Big Brother house and cannot subscribe to the live feeds due to their busy schedule....a ton of bloggers on the Internet have the feeds and give updates and ads on blogs about Big Brother all the time, but they still give postings in the editorial and opinions format and they have a tendency to be biased in their postings....I know and I don't even have the feeds but when I give my postings on the Big Brother show, I am very biased since I have my own personal feelings attached and just like the rest of the Big Brother bloggers, the emotions run high since all of us have our own likes and dislikes on the houseguests....

Payperpost wants to have a blog that gives a very objective post and guess who they chose to do got it...Bill Clinton since he is one of the very few who have no preferences as to who gets evicted and who wins the grand he will be sent in the Big Brother house to live in there for two weeks and get to know the other houseguests and he will even compete in the competitions and if he has to eat slop, he will eat slop without complaining....just like the rest of the houseguests, he will be cut off from his family, and the whole world and no morning runs nor golf games for him during that time...only immunity he has is that he is free from eviction for two weeks and after two weeks he then goes to sequester and sees how the jurors are living and getting along over there....he will also be cut off from everything just like the houseguests....

The only priviledge Bill Clinton will have unlike the rest of them is that he gets to blog everyday about the Big Brother house and the sequester house but he will not have web surfing access and full Internet access...he will just have blog access...and in the meantime we can read his blog and Payperpost will then have accurate reports coming in and they can work with that.....

Bill Clinton also gets to go to the wrap party at the end of the season....

Let us hear it for Payperpost and their brilliant idea and the fact that they might be able to get Bill Clinton to do this project....

How to Approach the Garden

Ok, I come back from vacation and there are a lot of weeds in the we had a sever weed problem in the yard as well and I didn't know what to do but since we don't have something that can sprinkle weed killer in the yard, had to bury my head in the sand about that....then we spent a lot just to dig up the edges of the backyard so I can have my garden....I have a flower garden, veggie garden and herbs...although I don't have much herbs.....the veggies are doing good...I am getting cukes and tomotoes but I am only getting cherry tomatoes and not the bigger ones....the bean plants are eaten up and not fruiting..the okra plants are very tall but not yet fruiting.....the lettuce is coming good and the cilantro is coming good just like the chives and the cabbage is now coming....the bell pepper plants are doing good but not fruiting yet....

I am going to do part two to talk about the flower garden....

Sunday, August 27, 2006


How many of us want to go to Disney World and wonder if we will get there....there are also many other theme parks there...Orlando is a great city and it is also nice living there since there is something for everyone...for the old fashioned ones, there is the historical district and for the trendy tastes, there is the high rise buildings with great views....many would love to have a Vacation home Orlando. I would love to see the sights myself and say that was a great investment...

Next Wedding I attend....

I don't have any friends getting married right now, but if I did, I would give her one of those wedding cameras so she can have all the great memories...also more ways for couples to save money is to have have barbeques the night before or beach parties instead of a stuffy dinner and prevent boredom...why spend so much on something and people don't enjoy it...I wish I knew all this years ago...

Can't Do Much Of It There....

Well the three outdoor things I like most are iceclimbing, rockclimbing, and paintball...can't do iceclimbing down South and paintball can only be done when it is not that fall comes early so it works out great for me but I go nuts waiting for it...I have to order one of those cheap airsoft guns from Zephyrpaintball. They have a great selection....they also have the orange tips that is required by law.....

The Garden...

Another headache I have to deal with is the garden...while I was next door was kind enough to water it but now I have to deal with the weeds and I never knew Okra plants get tall...I also found out you have to not only tie up tomatoe plants, but also the beans, bell peppers, and cucumbers...yes my work is cut out for me so I will just take it slow and easy and not push too hard...

On another note....sometimes I wish I had a bigger yard and more acerage and Barrington is one great place since crime is also low and the houses are of the best realties of Barrington Real Estate is NewCastle Realty since they put the client's needs first.

Is it Over Yet....

Back in the 70s when I saw the confederate fly from people's windows and displayed at the capital, it made me wonder how that I am in the North, it offends me even more.....the Civil War ended in the mid 19th. century and it is now the 21st. century and they are still displaying those flags and selling confederate license plates....I find that all very offensive....ok so I see some want to live in the past and maybe not be an "United States" but the Confederacy instead.....craziness just goes on...

One thing at least everyone agrees on in this country is how good Medicare is when needed and something for the elders and the disabled....Epocrates now has a new Drug and Health Plan formulary product that helps the clinicians get better care for their patients...they can access it online and get all the information about all the medications....It also includes pricing coverage for all Medicare part D coverage...remember when Medicare did not have a prescription plan and that now shows that there is a big improvement since meds can now be now someone with a bipolar disorder who is on Abilify...if they have to go in ER for a bad cut, their clinician then get information for what treatments and drugs that won't interfere just to give effective theraphy and heal the bad cut.

Vacation Over....

Yeah, you just read right, it is over and back to reality so here I was wonderful and cheap....just did cheap things like shopping and rode the log flume...kinda scary at first and went to the mall...I have always loved malls but it is not my hangout unlike my teen days which all teens love malls....I never lost my love for them but it is no longer my first priority...not like it use to be....I will talk more about this trip in bits and pieces since staying on one subject can lead to boredom....

Now do you want to know attorneys make huge obscene amounts of is because they want to overcharge their clients and many get away with it...although there are many who are very honest like Simmons, Jannace & Stagg . They saved this one lady from being exploited and hear this now...she was one of poor widows from 9/11...her original lawyer filed a suit to get 2 million dollars, yes you read right and this lady lost a close loved let us thank Simmons, Jannace & Stagg for filing a motion to dismiss the other lawyer's suit to collect that 2 million.....kudos to that law firm....

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Sov Fans May Become Divided....

Someone at Kaysar's board brought up an interesting discussion that whatever happens in the Big Brother house this year could divide the sov fans up....what has happened now is that many are mad at James and yet many support James and I am one of them...I am not a Janelle fan although I think she needs to get rid of the many are turning on James and some many think Kaysar is not doing a good job....this could also split up the sov fans...the way I feel is that I don't care who supports who since these things don't get in the way of my friendships and these kinds of things maybe can test a friendship....

Another major concern is asbestos since asbestos is found in 10-15% of schools throughout America. The asbestos fibers can also be picked up through clothing or other articles. Asbestos can cause Mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer. Symptoms of malignant mesotheliomas are due to tumour growth resulting in invasion of surrounding structures and/or the production of fluid (pleural effusion, ascites, or pericardial effusion). Chest pain is caused by invasion of the chest wall. Pleural effusion causes collapse of adjacent lung and shortness of breath.

Parker & Waichman, LLP has helped many families get compensated from the companies or parties responsible for a loved one’s mesothelioma cancer. This law firm assists victims with lawsuits and/or settlements. Parker & Waichman, LLP provides free legal consultations and takes no fees unless the victims are compensated. For more information, one can visit or call 1-800-LAW-INFO (1-800-529-4636).

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Let's Take Out The Floaters......

There is much controversy about this year's Big Brother All Stars....some love Chilltown...some cannot stand them...those who liked the "nerd herd" last year don't like the sovs and then you got the Janelle bashers.....then most don't like floaters like Dani, George, Diane, Marcellas, and Erika....I say take all the floaters out since they are not playing the game...well that is just what Janelle wants to do and she tells her team that but they don't support her decision telling her she has to take Chilltown out...well hello, they will just come after the sovs if she takes them out.....I guess they all are acting like pansies since no one wants to do that dirty work.....just my take on this whole who will win....I guess a floater or Chilltown.....although I hope either James or Kaysar wins....

Well too bad they are cut off from the world or they could find out about this blog that has just been launced on San Diego real estate and home sales that is really a mini-portal to communicate with the buyers market....I mean both the sellers and the buyers....the advice and expertise of the real estate agents will be provided to the potential buyers without any pressure but at the same time gives insight to the buyers..just as an example if they are looking for Rancho Santa Fe Homes for sale they can find out that will continue to grow.