Friday, October 20, 2006

My Status......

Now this is one thing that is tricky for me to classify since I am both a student and do work and I make my money in different ways.....I already mentioned the ways I make my money in my other blog so I won't go there at this point.....anyone ever heard of sportslair by the way.....just thought I would what I will talk about is how I am getting some expensive items for the price of next to nothing....ha ha....yes, I have a plasma TV coming here and a 42 inch one at that...then a DVD player and two ipod nanos and an ipod I cannot afford these items but here is how I am getting them.....I joined a site for getting a two free nanos and I only had to do one offer and get 10 refs...well in less than a week, I ended up getting 11 refs and they all greened instantly.....then I filled in my approval and they approved it the other day and I just put in my order and they just have to get it from the vendor to be shipped to me.....

Now the DVD player, I happen to get a pop-up and did one offer and it greened right away and now I just have to get it notarized and mailed....

The plasma TV, I joined a conga and did eight offers and they gave me a ref and all I had to do was submit my the laptop, there was also a conga so I joined and did 6 offers and they gave me a ref and my offers still have to go green and so do my refs and then I can not only get my laptop but also the video ipod they throw in as a bonus.....ain't this all so sweet.......

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