They have been an established business since 1999 and have helped thousands of businesses find mostly small, short-term, ready-to-use office space. A large percent of their clients are Fortune 500 and mid-sized companies but they still help at least 13 million home-based businessmen and businesswomen succeed from the home office to the "real" office.
Many people may disagree with this but several people who tried working from home have found out that working from home is not always the solution that they were led to believe it was. The company,, found out the extent of how many thousands of people were disappointed when they entered their recently ended Home Office From H*** contest. Since the contest was very successful and very popular as well, they will now be running it on an annual basis instead. The second annual Home Office From H*** contest will begin in the Fall. There is off course a grand prize of 12 months of rent (up to $12,000) at any location posted on our site. This year they will be adding additional prizes, including a paid trip to New York City to have lunch with a well-known business personality, who will answer the winner's most pressing business questions. That makes it very worthwhile to me to participate and I highly recommend others to compete since everyone would love to meet with somebody very important and get business tips.
They currently write a monthly column for in their One-Person Resource Center and they will soon be writing for several other business publications/websites. I will keep all of you posted on this and keep checking their website for more details on this.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
Here are some latest links to sites where I found some information: or
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