I found a new site where they sell excellent software site where they sell downloads for the System Cleaner that is used for defragging, cleaning, optimizing, removing invalid and error producing entries, and a privacy protector. This is the site to visit and try their products; http://www.pointstone.com .
Yes, you can now buy the registry cleaner and defragger as well as the Internet accelerator where you can have more speed on your web browsing experience. The privacy protector gets rid of unwanted clutter and keeps information secure. Then there is the startup manager that controls which programs are executed at Windows startup. The Internet extension manager manages browser extensions and diagnoses and resolves conflicts by temporarily disabling them. The disk space explorer displays hard disk usage and analyzes which area take most space on the disk.
Other side benefits of this site is the support section as well as a blog where they give updates on what to look for as far as using their products as well as behind the scenes news. The bargains on this site are also excellent.
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