Monday, October 30, 2006

Compromising Situation....

Ok, I am now going to admit something touchy here...there is a guy at work whom I find very attractive and guess what....he is only two years younger than myself if that....he gave me a bag of Fritos today and I guess one has watch when a man gives a woman was doing lunchroom duty and he had to bring one of the kids in there from his class I guess and off course I am going to say hi...I mean I can't be rude to him and ignore I have a promise not to get involved with the peeps at my only exception is going out with this one teacher's aide once this semester is over so I will have time to do something with her but I need to stay away from the this man is way too nice....and it sure does not help that he is georgeous.....where are you G so I can get your advice on this....

On another note, I almost blew it with the laptop and the funny thing is that the cert says ipod which I will be pretty mad if all I get is an ipod after doing seven offers...yes, I had to do seven offers since one did not bother to I had to do the Boca Java offer and now I have more coffee than I know what to do with since I had to do the Gevalia offer as a replacement in the plasma TV conga since my Time Life CD never credited and those peeps even called me to see how I was enjoying the CD and my answer to them was "you never even credited me for the plasma TV" and he pretended he didn't know what I was talking back to the cert, my browser closed and I lost the cert and I couldn't get it back so I wrote them and then them emailed me this morning and told me to send the W-9 all filled isn't this getting to be a regular thing with

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