Monday, August 28, 2006

Pay Per Post and Bill Clinton.....

Ok, there were rumors early this summer that George Bush was going in the Big Brother how would we feel if Bill Clinton went in the Big Brother house...well that is just what may happen Payperpost wants to know what is going on in the Big Brother house and cannot subscribe to the live feeds due to their busy schedule....a ton of bloggers on the Internet have the feeds and give updates and ads on blogs about Big Brother all the time, but they still give postings in the editorial and opinions format and they have a tendency to be biased in their postings....I know and I don't even have the feeds but when I give my postings on the Big Brother show, I am very biased since I have my own personal feelings attached and just like the rest of the Big Brother bloggers, the emotions run high since all of us have our own likes and dislikes on the houseguests....

Payperpost wants to have a blog that gives a very objective post and guess who they chose to do got it...Bill Clinton since he is one of the very few who have no preferences as to who gets evicted and who wins the grand he will be sent in the Big Brother house to live in there for two weeks and get to know the other houseguests and he will even compete in the competitions and if he has to eat slop, he will eat slop without complaining....just like the rest of the houseguests, he will be cut off from his family, and the whole world and no morning runs nor golf games for him during that time...only immunity he has is that he is free from eviction for two weeks and after two weeks he then goes to sequester and sees how the jurors are living and getting along over there....he will also be cut off from everything just like the houseguests....

The only priviledge Bill Clinton will have unlike the rest of them is that he gets to blog everyday about the Big Brother house and the sequester house but he will not have web surfing access and full Internet access...he will just have blog access...and in the meantime we can read his blog and Payperpost will then have accurate reports coming in and they can work with that.....

Bill Clinton also gets to go to the wrap party at the end of the season....

Let us hear it for Payperpost and their brilliant idea and the fact that they might be able to get Bill Clinton to do this project....


Anonymous said...

Imagine the security nightmare! If one of the guests is a distant relation of Monica Lewinsky...
Or, how about if one of the guests is a saxophobe, or (gasp) a Republican!!!
They should let me have the job. I would be impartial. Do they still have to eat peanut butter sandwiches, though?

ginskia said...

Yes, that would be someting if one of them was related to Monica or even one time knew Chelsea or even once knew a guy Chelsea once dated....or how about if one of them is related to Gennifer Flowers...It once happened to me that one of Gennifer's friends was once someone I had met when I knew this friend's exhusband when he was the local congressman....

I doubt Julie would let Clinton take his saxophone in the house since the HGs are only allowed...I think one book if even that and I am sure they all have hobbies that they cannot do in there since the goal is they have to be social and get along....

Yes, Clinton would have a hard time with a Republican but then he is good friends with Bush....

Yes, I know you can sure use the job since they get more than just gas money in there...they get $4,000 a week to be in that house and then $5,000 a week for sequester that that mansion is at the tip of the Baja which is paradise and Clinton would get all these benefits....

They no longer have PB&J, they now have slop which is bad oatmeal and Clinton still has to eat it so it is good bye McDonalds french fries for him but he would still probably still pick food from other HG's plates since he is the only one who gets away with it..... :)